January 19: Ward Conference
February 14 @ 6:00pm: Ward Temple Night
Orem Temple. Click HERE to schedule.
January 25 @ 8am. Just a reminder for those who signed up for Building Clean Up. Thank You for your willingness to SERVE
Relief Society
Upcoming Lessons
January 26: Burying Our Weapons of Rebellion by Elder D. Todd Christofferson
February 9: Aligning Our Will with His by Elder Ulisses Soares
February 23: Live Up to Your Privileges by President Emily Belle Freeman
March 9: Holiness to the Lord in Everyday Life by Elder Gerrit W. Gong
March 23: The Lord Jesus Christ Will Come Again by President Russell M. Nelson
April 13: Conference Review
Come prepared to discuss your favorite Conference talk!
January 30 @ 12:00pm: Ladies' Night Out
Where: Kneader's
Come visit with us! Even if you don't want to eat, we'd love to see you there!
Jan 5 - Kathy H.
Jan 13 - Alyssa G.
Jan 16 - Elyse S.
Jan 22 - MarLynn G. & Zenny S.
Jan 23 - Kathy B. & Laura O.
Jan 24 - Marianne N.
Ministering companionships have been updated and can be seen in the Tools app.
Please update your photo & your family photos in the Tools app.
Text @aspen9rs to 81010 to get text notifications for Relief Society announcements.
Free printed Church Magazines (Liahona, For the Strength of Youth, Friend) - Members can subscribe on to receive free printed copies of the magazines. Use your church account to signup and receive your printed magazine copies. Newsroom article
Elder's Quorum
Upcoming Lessons
January 12 - Mortality Works, Elder Brook P Hales October 2024 General Conference
January 19 - Ward Conference
January 26 - Burying our Weapons of Rebellion. Elder D. Todd Christofferson October 2024 General Conference
January 30th - EQ game night and potluck. Location TBD
Feb 14th 6 p.m. Temple Night! for Valentines Day. Orem Temple. Get reservation or just show up and join us at the Temple.
Please visit your Ministering families this month!
Set up your Ministering Interview for the Quarter asap!
Meat Packing Volunteer slots for our Ward for 2025. 3 spots need to be filled for each session. Plan ahead now if you can!
5/14/25 5:45-9a.m.
9/24/25 9:15a-12p.m.
Ministering companionships have been updated and can be seen in the LDS tools app. Please sign up for Ministering Stewardship interview with a member of the Presidency as soon as possible for this Quarter.
Join the EQ Slack:
Text @aspen9eq to 81010 to get text notifications for Elders Quorum announcements
Free printed church magazines (Liahona, For the Strength of Youth, Friend) - Members can subscribe on to receive free printed copies of the magazines. Use your church account to signup and receive your printed magazine copies. Newsroom article
Young Men
Upcoming Lessons
January 20-26 Doctrine and Covenants 2; Joseph Smith-History 1:27-65
January 27-February 2 Doctrine and Covenants 3-5
February 3-9 Doctrine and Covenants 6-9
February 10-16 Doctrine and Covenants 10-11
February 17-23 Doctrine and Covenants 12-17; Joseph Smith-History 1:66-75
January 21 - Disney Karaoke
February 18 - Dodgeball TQ
March 18 - Temple Trip
April 22 - Mini Golf DQ
Mission Prep - 2:30pm @ the Stake Center. Text "mission" to 385-330-4254 for reminders.
Young Women
Upcoming Sunday Lessons
Jan 14: Swimming at the Orem Rec Center. Meet at the church at 6:45 pm. Wear swimsuit and bring a towel.
Jan: 21: Karoake with the Young Men. 7 pm at the church.
Priority Registration for FSY is January 20-February 12! Click here to start!
Mission & Temple Prep is open to any youth who would like to attend, every Sunday from 2:30-3:30 at the stake center. Text "mission" to 385-330-4254 for reminders.
Stake YW Camp is scheduled for July 14-17, 2025 at Heber Valley Camp.
Sunday School
The scriptures are alive. Though they were written long ago, they have application today. That makes them powerful!
(EQ/RS) January 20–26: “The Hearts of the Children Shall Turn to Their Fathers”, Doctrine and Covenants 2; Joseph Smith—History 1:27–65
(SS) January 27–February 2: “My Work Shall Go Forth”, Doctrine and Covenants 3–5
(EQ/RS) February 3–9: “This Is the Spirit of Revelation”, Doctrine and Covenants 6–9
(SS) February 10–16: “That You May Come Off Conqueror”, Doctrine and Covenants 10–11
(EQ/RS) February 17–23: “Upon You My Fellow Servants”, Doctrine and Covenants 12–17; Joseph Smith—History 1:66–7
Using Come, Follow Me — For Home and Church
Using Come, Follow Me — For Home and Church
Sunday School meets on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of each month.
There are two Adult Gospel Doctrine classes available. (Relief Society room and Cultural Hall overflow)
There are three Youth classes available. (Ages 12-13, Ages 14-15, Ages 16-18)
If you are available to be a substitute teacher, please contact a member of the presidency. (Brent L., Michael P., Casey T.)
🖐🏼 Teacher Council Dates to Remember
🖐🏼 Teacher Council Dates to Remember
(We will meet in the cultural hall, please plan on attending. We as a Sunday School presidency look forward to meeting with you and learning more of your success and challenges. Good information to be shared by all. 😀)
Upcoming dates TBD in March
As you study the Savior’s gospel at home and at church, consider the following questions:
How can you invite the Spirit into your study?
How can you focus on the Savior in your study?
How can you take advantage of everyday learning moments?
How can you encourage family and class members to study the scriptures on their own and share what they are learning?
Here are some simple ways to enhance your study of the word of God.
Revised Illustrated ‘Doctrine and Covenants Stories’ for Children Now Online in 2025
Who Is This Resource For? This resource is for anyone who wants to study the Doctrine and Covenants—individually, as a family, and in Church classes.
Free printed Church Magazines (Liahona, For the Strength of Youth, Friend) - Members can subscribe on to receive free printed copies of the magazines. Use your church account to signup and receive your printed magazine copies. Newsroom article
Likening the scriptures to our personal lives helps us discover gospel principles and receive revelation. Nephi testified, “I did liken all scriptures unto us, that it might be for our profit and learning” (1 Nephi 19:23). Even though the scriptures were written long ago, they provide inspiration for our modern-day dilemmas when we learn to liken them to ourselves. (Ensign, March 2009)
Primary Schedule:
Jr. Primary Singing time 10:05-10:30, Lesson time 10:35-11:00
Sr. Primary Lesson time 10:05-10:30, Singing time 10:35-11:00
Activity Day Girls
1/21 6pm @ Church - Jump Rope Games/Physical Fitness
2/4 6pm @ Church - Cookie Decorating
Activity Day Boys
1/28 6pm @ Church - Dominoes
Birthdays: 🎂
1/4 Preston H.
1/17 Zealand M.
1/18 Ravyn G.
1/23 Dillon H.
1/31 Brooklyn Miles
Click here to download a Doctrine and Covenants Reading Chart.
Free printed Church Magazines (Liahona, For the Strength of Youth, Friend) - Members can subscribe to to receive free printed copies of the magazines. Use your church account to sign up and receive copies of your printed magazine. Newsroom article
Text @aspen9p to 81010 to get text notifications for Primary announcements. You do not need the app to sign up!